Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – 30th July 2017

Disciple Thought
The lectionary uses this final set of teachings on the Kingdom as a kind of capstone. The Kingdom may look small, but manifests as something huge (mustard seed); the Kingdom mixes in and gives life (yeast); the Kingdom is a treasure that is to be sought after (hidden in a field, a fine pearl); the Kingdom includes all and then God is the final judge (the net that caught every kind). There is a freedom here as we discover that God’s Kingdom is not in our control and yet we engage in the Kingdom mission with God. The final challenge is to be ‘líke the master of a household who brings out of his treasure what is new and what is old’ (vs52).

Perhaps this is a challenge to be engaged with the world around and a reminder that the Kingdom cannot be contained with the wall of the church.