Seventh Sunday after Pentecost – 23rd July 2017

Jesus uses another parable to help explain the Kingdom of Heaven. Like the other parables, there is this sense of constant reversal. The banquet attended by the poor, prostitutes and lepers; bread that is not unleavened Manna, but filled with yeast; a field with a seed, a tree and birds; a field filled with wheat AND weeds. What if we looked upon this parable not as one of judgement, but of grace? It is not our job to weed, but only to grow and to tend the field, Barbara Brown Taylor, in her book The Seeds of Heaven, says this: “growth interests [God] more than perfection and that he is willing to risk fat weeds for fat wheat. When we try to help him out a little, to improve on his plan, he lets us know that our timing is off, not to mention our judgment, and that he
does, after all, own the field.”