11th Sunday After Pentecost A – 28th August 2011

On Wednesday Night we reflected on Jesus’ words “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you  … Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” (John 14:18-20)

I wonder – how often are we really aware of the presence of Christ within us? It is true (as was shared by a couple of parishioners) that we are often aware of the presence of the power of God in our lives when we are empowered/ enable to say and do the “godly,” wise and loving things in times of crisis.

We may feel the presence of God within us as we ride out the storms of life… but, what about in our simple day to day living and relationships? How often, on any given day, do we even consider God (Father, Son or Holy Spirit) before we open our mouths or take any sort of action?11th Sunday After Pentecost A – 28th August 2011

Maurie has an ID bracelet, on which is engraved “W.W.J.D.” – “What Would Jesus Do?” What sort of a difference would it make if we all asked the same question of ourselves before taking any action at all? What would our parish look like if we asked this question of every action we take as “The Body of Christ”?

This question has been at the front of my mind a lot lately as we come towards the end of another year (Christmas is 4 months away!) and really begin to plan for 2012.

Over the last year there have been discussions about different possibilities with regard to the jumble we collect, hall and site usage and affective outreach.

With regard to the jumble and hall… there have been suggestions of more regular, jumble sales, specialty jumble sales, a permanent (2-3 mornings a week) op-shop/ drop in centre, a Second Hand Children’s Wear/ Nursery Equipment op shop etc.

With regard to this last suggestion, it has been pointed out that with 2 schools nearby and various children’s groups using the hall… this could be an appropriate way of meeting a definite need in the local community.

Honestly? I don’t know – and I keep asking “What Would Jesus Do?”

We are seeking your suggestions for the future. We are looking for possibilities. If you have a suggestion, we, would love to receive it… preferably in writing… over the next couple of months.

Love and Blessings

Rev Shan