20th July 2014 – 6th Sunday After Pentecost A

As I write the news headlines are all about a Malaysian Airlines plane carrying 295 people, including 27 Australians being shot down by a surface to air missile.

This is an incredible tragedy and for the families of those killed the grief will seem insurmountable. Malaysian Airlines may not recover, having lost 2 planes since the beginning of the year. However, it was with dismay that I switched from channel to channel looking for more news only to find the same news repeated from various viewpoints – not just on the half hour with regular news bulletins – but moment by moment. Needless to say, I gave up on the news, resolving to pray for all involved in this tragedy but remembering that this one story does not define the world!

Sadly, many people, already teetering on the edge of despair and depression will be pushed over the edge by this constant bombardment, playing on their fears and anxieties. Maurie and I are actually booked on a short Malaysian Airlines flight later this year, but I will not allow this event to mar my travel with fear.

As I have already stated, one tragedy, or several wars do not define the world. I woke to a clear and sunny winter morning and I realise that there is much to celebrate and give thanks for. My faith in God defines my worldview? What about you?

Many Blessings

Reverend Shan