Trinity B – 31st May 2015

If you believe that the doctrine of the Holy Trinity is hard to explain or understand, you are not alone. Over two thousand years of trying to explain and the best theologians in the world still haven’t been able to fully comprehend, let alone adequately explain, how God is three and yet still one!

At best we accept by faith. I have long stopped wrestling with this mystery and feel quite at peace with the idea that God just IS!

In the gospel for Trinity Sunday (John 3:1–17) we read that Nicodemus was struggling to understand God and his own relationship with God. Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about being “born from above,” or born anew. And poor Nicodemus is troubled.

The thing is, we all experience God in a different way… We can only explain God in terms of our own experience. We can listen to, or read, someone else’s explanation but until we experience the presence of God for ourselves… until that “aha” moment… God remains an uncomfortable riddle rather than a blessed mystery.

Take some time to reflect on God in your own life.

When have experienced the power and presence of God?

Do you experience God as Trinity or only as Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Or do you experience God in some other way?

How is God most real to you?

When have you felt yourself being reborn of the Spirit?

However you experience God, may you be aware of Gods presence in the coming week.


Reverend Shan