Earth Friends Gather

Living here at the edge of the sea has really inspired me to take to the Season of Creation with gusto. You can read about our Sunday Stare at the Sea overleaf… I had a great morning reconnecting and meeting some neighbours with the Bethania Street Community Garden and am glad for the opportunity to travel all the way into the Mount Coo-Tha Botanical Gardens for the Queensland Churches Together Season of Creation prayer service.

I’m grateful I can manage the sloping paths in the Garden… taking it slowly of course… and grateful for the kindness of the Salvation Army folk who kindly provided me with a chair.

Great to see representatives from across the denominations including Jackie from QCT, Br Joe from our Anglican Franciscans, Fr Peter Moore representing Angligreen and Rev Bob Paget from the Parish of Samford. A gentle service of prayer and praise, soaking in the lush greenery of the Lychee Tree Lawn, the visiting birdlife and the wonder of falling leaves like confetti. A special guest was a beautiful autumn coloured butterfly poking around the leaves… the
mozzies were not so welcome but hey it is their day too.

Thank you also to our Parish Council for their wisdom on Monday night. A record one hour and 10 minutes… but matters carefully considered nevertheless. We are still a bit in our Statio – Holy Pause but have begun planning our Working Day on the 27th of October. Have a chat to a councillor for news and updates.

Blessings on your head and hearts


Download the full newsletter below:

Manly Parish Newletter 8th September 2024