St Paul’s News – 4th August 2024

Out and About Again

The spate of meetings with Big Wigs continued this week. Although Brother Donald would probably rather be known as a humble Franciscan Brother from the Society of St Francis, he is for his sins also our Archdeacon.

While Venerable, Archdeacons in Australia have a bit less formal role than they do in the C of E where they tend to be a bit more like a regional manager with some authority than the mainly pastoral and auxiliary role our Aussie Archdeacons enjoy. I’ve known Br Donald for years so we did talk about you all behind your back but with love and generosity… (mostly). Among an Archdeacon’s concerns are that clergy are safely and relatively comfortably housed and are being looked after by their flock. I can loudly and positively state that I am definitely both here in Manly.

I caught up with some folk for a cuppa and a chat. I love meeting people in their own homes… it’s a chance to talk properly, see the photos of the ones they love… and their families… and get a lovely sense of where they are at. I’m trying to get around you all… but don’t wait for me to raise it. If you’d like a catch up let me know. I’m always up for a cuppa or a free feed… I mean opportunity to show pastoral care.

The other interesting visit this week was with Gavin Stone from George Hartnett Metropolitan Funerals. I wasn’t drumming up business or dobbing any of you in as needing a funeral in the near future though. Gavin had reached out
inviting me to gathering of local clergy to say thank you for all we do and ask how we can work together in what is effectively a ministry. We agreed how important it is to do the talking about our funerals when we are well and happy so that our families are not burdened when the time comes. (I have a form if you’d like!) I was impressed by his gentle understanding and generosity of spirit. As they say on our National Broadcaster to avoid promoting a business, other funeral companies operate… but good to get an insight into one of our local ones.

All this is a blessed time of listening and learning to you as a community of faith and this wonderful part of the world we call home.

Blessings on your head. Andrew

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