St Paul’s News – 25th August 2024

Where’s Fr Andrew… he’s a bit quiet this week. Well, I’ve been at the Gold Coast at the Anglican province of Queensland Clergy Conference. It’s been some time since I’ve been in the right headspace to attend a big
church event but I’m pleased to report that this was a lifegiving and refreshing experience. It was great to
catch up with clergy mates I haven’t seen for ages and get to know some new ones. The conference had a deep
sense of hearing the realities of life as a clergy person at this time in the life of our church and offered much wisdom
that was profound and relevant. Some world class speakers!

I was particularly engaged by the presentations by The Right Rev’d Dr Vicentia Kgabe. Bishop Vicentia is a native of Soweto, South Africa, and currently serves as the Diocesan Bishop of Lesotho. She also serves as a Research Fellow at the Desmond Tutu Centre for Religion and Social Justice. I felt I was sitting at the feet of a strong, deeply grounded
and very earthy woman of great wisdom. She named possibilities and temptations all clergy face and encouraged us to ensure we are the healthiest we can be… physically, spiritually and psychologically… so we can be our best for the
people we serve.

Thanks too for the wisdom of The Venerable Miranda Threlfall-Holmes from the Diocese of Liverpool in the Church of England who unpacked how we can see the journey in the Book of Exodus as a pattern and encouragement for parish

Joyful and inspiring worship, moments of rest, excellent food and plenty of tall tales shared. I did talk about you… in a good way!

Blessings on your head Andrew

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