St Paul’s News – 18th August 2024

Listening and Learning Locally

On Monday I had the pleasure of catching up with Wendy Greche from LinC – Love in the name of Christ. Helen Collins is our long serving committee representative supporting LinC’s work in serving others through simple acts of Christian kindness like driving folk to appointments. I was pleased to learn we at St Paul’s have been part of this inter-church activity since its inception and look forward to joining Helen, Val and Wendy at the 25th anniversary celebration lunch on the 29th August. Let me or Helen know if you’d like to come too.

On Wednesday, I meet with our local state MP, Joan Pease. I met Joan in the bustle of activity at my commissioning and thought it was time to touch base. She is a very active local member who knows us well and I was pleased to be able to share our good news stories and how life is unfolding for us now. She was very interested in our commitment to being an inclusive church. These conversations are so important as even this week someone shared that they thought we had closed down… and we are far from that. Joan suggested some great possibilities for community engagement and connection.

Lots of good things coming up. I’ll be away at the Gold Coast for the Provincial Clergy Conference next week. Regional clergy meet every year but this gathering for all of Queensland is the first since Covid. There are engaging speakers and times of prayer and reflection… and I’m sure lots of friendly conversation and laughs. I’ll share more next week.

Keep an eye out for events and thoughts as we approach the Season of Creation starting Sunday 1st of September and ending with our St Francis Day pet blessing on Sunday 6th October. Good stuff ahead!

Blessings on your head Andrew

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