In this issue:
- A week goes by in pictures
- St Valentine’s Day Thoughts
- Lent and Easter Time
- Moving meetings!
Anglicare Connections Continue
Priest’s Warden Rob Wilson and Synod Representative and parish councillor Stephen Hall with Dr Stephen Harrison
Stephen is the Director of Mission, Research and Advocacy at Anglicare Southern Queensland a real friend of St Paul’s. Stephen has degrees in science, theology, education, community welfare and a Doctorate in ministry from CSU. He has a passion for missiology and ecclesiology, with 25 years’ experience with parishes, schools and commissions in the Anglican Church Southern Queensland.
He joined Rob, Stephen and Fr Andrew on the veranda at Lota House to experience the realities of the Development momentum and a routine connect with us to check how the Memorandum of Understanding with Anglicare SQ is working for us. Some solid conversation and positive relationship building indeed.
We were able to share some of the feedback from our review last year and some of the creative ways the parish is working around the building challenges.
Download the full newsletter below: