Sixth Sunday after Epiphany

Over the last few weeks, as I have returned from holidays, I have had quite a few invitations to “come and have a coffee”, or “lets catch up for lunch”.

The drinking and eating have not been the purpose of the invitation – rather each one has been from someone who expressed a desire/need to catch up in order to talk through some issue or concern.

We do have a need for the nourishment of food and liquids in order for the sustaining of life – but there is also a deep need in each one of us to communicate and be in relationship with people we trust and respect – who also trust and respect us.

For a relationship of any sort to give “nourishment” to those involved there must be two-way communication and a sense that each one is equally invested in the relationship.

In my private prayer time this week I was reflecting on this as I read John 4:1-15 about Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well.

I have always seen this as a wonderful passage about Jesus unconditional offering of “living water” to all but it struck me that Jesus began his conversation with a request for a drink. He had no bucket so he asked for her to give him a drink.

Jesus begins with a need that this woman can fulfill! Interesting – we often begin our prayers with thanksgiving to God and regularly move on to requests – without thinking that there might be something that we can give to Jesus.

Have you ever thought that Jesus might be waiting for you to invite him along for a coffee and chat?

I begin each day with a cup of tea … and this week I decided I should offer to share that tea and time with Jesus… inviting Jesus to sit with me a while and chat. I’m glad I did. You might think I’m crazy, but Jesus accepted my invitation and I have felt Him beside me, off and on through each day.

Why not invite Jesus to join you for coffee/tea and a chat? I’m sure he would say yes as he is longing to spend time with you.