Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost – 1st October 2017

Many of us are drawn by nature. We photograph sunsets and landscapes. We walk through gardens and sit on park benches. We are awed by bushfires and crashing storm waves while others chase wild storms and crazy weather patterns.

For many people, the wonder, beauty and power of creation points to the power and presence of God. Often, as we ponder these things in the presence of God, we gain insight by paying attention to the seasons and ways of nature, if not consciously then intuitively, and we are shaped by its wisdom.

Our Judeo-Christian tradition has tried to capture such wisdom in the poetry and prose of scripture. Some have had a lasting impact such as the commandments in Exodus – which were themselves received by the people of God, as they traversed the wilderness – or the teachings of Jesus such as the parable in today’s gospel (Matthew 21:33-46).

The Pharisees were threatened by the call to change and see God at work in a new way through Jesus. Sadly they were like the tenants in the vineyard destroying anyone who pointed to the errors in their faith and thinking and, finally, killing the Son of God who came to draw them, and all of creation, back into relationship with God. In our day as we seek to find ever new expressions for our faith, how do you find the wise ways of the Holy One woven into the stuff of this earth?