Easter Day – 1st April 2018

In his lifetime Jesus longed to convince people that God was with them. He asked for their conversion, a change of heart and mind, that they might be able to believe this Good News. Sadly, few people believed him.

In the Resurrection-Pentecost event a dramatic change took place. People suddenly found themselves able to grasp, understand and experience that God’s Spirit was with them. They found themselves moved to love as Jesus loved and to carry on the task he had begun.

Easter for us must celebrate not only the reality of Jesus risen 2000 years ago, but also the Spirit given us to carry on the work of Jesus. One way of understanding this is to imagine the Risen Jesus saying to each of us. ‘I rise, and live on in you.’ For Easter to have its proper impact in the Church and in our world we have to hear and believe gratefully and joyfully this truth about ourselves; He is risen. Yes. But he is still here in my heart, in my life, in my living and loving.

Reflections for Sundays
God Is With Us
Michael Morwood MSC