Baptism of Our Lord – 8 January 2017

How do you think someone new arriving might experience our faith community? How much would it be the kind of community where, even before we know anything about the person, they experience welcome, love and respect? Surely this is the kind of community suggested in our Matthew text? How would our communities flourish if we regularly said these words to each other, “You are (name) the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.”

Years ago, at a Cursillo weekend we were reminded that each one of us bears a little of the Christ light within us … so rather than pass the peace with one another, we were to look into the eyes off each person we greeted with the words “I love the Christ I see in you”. To begin with, it was confronting and felt a little uncomfortable but, nonetheless, incredibly moving? It certainly forced a change in attitude to one another with the realization that each is a beloved child of God.

Why not try one of these greetings, at least inside your own head next time you meet anyone, a family member with whom you live, a friend or colleague or a stranger.

May we always give of our love and respect for all of God’s creation and may we receive in humility and gratitude.