Protecting vulnerable people

Child Protection

This Parish is committed to the protection, safety and well-being of all children and young people, in our church and taking part in church activities.

Please see the Diocesan policies relating to the protection of young people which detail what we do.



In accordance with its obligations under the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Anglican Church Southern Queensland (ACSQ) is committed to creating and maintaining a work environment that ensures the physical and psychological health and safety of its workers, clients and any other person that may be impacted by its activities.

Parish Council is responsible for managing Workplace Health and Safety in the Chapel in accordance with Diocesan policies and regulations. If you have any concerns, or need to report an incident or issue, please contact one of the Churchwardens or email the Parish Office. In an emergency you may contact Rev Andrew on his mobile phone and he will relay your message to the Churchwardens.