Going Deeper

Adult Faith Formation

St Paul’s exists to help seekers grow in their relationship with God and continue the path of listening and learning that enriches faith. We value the many paths of going deeper into the wisdom of God to nourish and support our inner lives for the mission Jesus calls us.

Tuesday Bible Reflection and Prayer

Open to all – regulars and those who just want to drop in. We prayerfully consider the scriptures from the previous Sunday, listen to the stirrings of the Spirit for us today and share some thoughts, questions, doubts and prayer in an open, non-judgemental space.

We gather in the Chapel at Lota House, Tuesdays 9.30am

Contact: Heidi Frier, St Paul’s Community Coordinator 0491 062 877 or [email protected]

Christian Meditation

We are in the process of gathering folk interested in the practice of Christian Meditation. In a busy and noisy world, finding a time or space to enter into silence, quieten the heart and mind and listen deeply to the stirrings of the Spirit can be a great gift. Christian Meditation uses some simple mindfulness techniques that can be used at any time but can be very profound when practiced in the company of others.

Check out the World Community for Christian Meditation

Contact: Rev Andrew on mobile or email


Anglican Cursillo Australia is a global ministry within the Anglican Church, started in Spain in the 1940s and making its way to Australia in the 1970s. It is aimed at nurturing and deepening the Christian faith of its members and provides a structured program that encourages individuals to grow in their relationship with God, build Christian community and share the love of Christ in their everyday lives. Through retreats, small group meetings, and personal witness, Cursillo equips participants to live out their faith more fully, fostering a spirit of service and discipleship within the Anglican tradition. The movement seeks to empower individuals to become leaders in their faith communities and to spread the message of God’s love in their local and wider contexts.

St Paul’s Cursillo group gathers each month on the second Saturday. All are welcome and the objective is to support one another’s spiritual growth through prayer and relationships with each other through Christ.

Contact: Nick 0481 356 844 or cursillo-brisbane.com

Lent Studies, Quiet Days, Short Courses and Workshops

As a lifelong learning community, we value opportunities to explore our faith more deeply. We offer a range of opportunities over the year drawing on all sorts of material including resources developed by the Diocesan Faith Formation Team, writers and thinkers from around the world and sharing the talents of local learning leaders.

Check the News and Events page for upcoming opportunities.

Wynnum Men’s Fellowship Group

An ecumenical fellowship open to all men, the Wynnum Men’s Fellowship Group is a bloke friendly space for conversation, support, prayer and book study.

Meets every Wednesday at 7:30pm at St Peter’s Hall, 77 Charlotte St, Wynnum. They have a social gathering at a local restaurant when there’s a fifth Wednesday in the month.

Contact Nick 0481 356 844

Spiritual Companionship

Many people appreciate a safe space to explore their own spiritual life more deeply. A spiritual companion, sometimes known as a Spiritual Director or Soul Friend, is a listening ear and a fellow traveller on the journey of faith. We share hopes and dreams, joys and doubts, simple and profound questions to help notice the work of the Spirit in our lives. Reverend Andrew is formed in the Benedictine tradition, has a Masters in Social Science (Pastoral Counselling) and a Certificate of Spiritual Direction and Social Transformation, and experience accompanying individuals and groups in delving into the spiritual life.

For more information, contact Rev Andrew on mobile or email

Pace Community

Inspired by the ancient tradition of Christian mysticism, Pace Community is a contemplative spiritual community for all who seek a place of peace. They are both a physical and digital community seeking to accompany others as they explore the spiritual life.

Pace (par chay), Italian for ‘peace’, was the focus of the life and ministry of St Francis of Assisi. In conversation and correspondence, Francis’ favoured salutation was, “Pace e bene”, peace and all good. As a contemplative mystic, Francis sought to serve as an agent for peace, an itinerant teacher and friend to all. Pace seeks to emulate his example. Each member of the community is a seeker, exploring spiritual life through Spiritual Formation and the Pace Virtues, Values and Vision.