
Here at St Paul’s, we have a whole community approach to welcoming children into the family of God.

Welcoming a child into the family of God

The Sacrament of Baptism is a deeply meaningful and beautiful rite that expresses our commitment to follow Jesus in both life and faith. When an infant is baptised, parents and godparents make promises on the child’s behalf, vowing to support their spiritual growth within a faith community. Baptism should occur within this community, ideally during a gathered service. Baptisms at St Paul’s are celebrated during our 9.30am Sunday service, this includes three key elements:

  • immersion in water (the Baptism)
  • anointing with oil (the Christening)
  • the warm welcome of our worshipping community
Some reasons for choosing The Sacrament of Baptism:
  • We want to help our child become a follower of Jesus
  • We want our child to grow in faith as part of a Christian community
  • We want to learn more about being a follower of Jesus and grow in our own faith
  • We value the support and help of other people of faith in helping us grow our child in faith
  • We want our child to grow up with experience of the Christian community so they can make more informed choices and commitment when they are older.

How do we start the journey to Baptism?

There are a couple of ways to take the first step:

Reverend Andrew will arrange a meeting time and discuss where to from here including Application Forms and possible dates.

May our God surround you and your family with love and blessings as you consider what the Holy Spirit may be calling you to do.