In this issue: MU End of Year Doings Hello from the Hills Family Lots of Advent Adventure Opportunitie Tatty Chatting End of Year A Savvy and Sassy Set of Servants Last Sunday we gave a special blessing to Heidi Frier as she steps down from her significant role as our...
In this issue: MU 16 Days of Activism Lots of Advent Adventures Pete’s Pantry Prepares Tatters and Chatters end of year. Some News from Heidi This delightful picture of our Heidi, with Bev and Robyn and their huge smiles, pretty much sums up the impact Heidi has on...
In this issue: Tatty Chatting Thank God the Arch is near! Defence Sunday Flying the Flag at the Car Boot Sale Our Wonderful Plant Lady Provides!! Dodging an oncoming storm, Ailsa, Isobel, Jen and Fr Andrew did a quick dash last week to pick up another batch of plants...
In this issue: Practical Care with Rosies Celebrating 101 years of Olive Parish Council Plots and Plans The Archbishop is coming… look busy!! Friends on the streets with Rosies Last Friday evening, Fr Andrew had the privilege of visiting one of the many ways our folk...
In this issue: Not So Secret Men’s Business. The Vicar’s Voice The Archbishop’s Coming! Appreciating Carers Blokes, Mates and a Tasty Thai Feed It was all about connection, conversation and building friendships as the Wynnum Men’s Fellowship Group met for a relaxed...