Parish News


St Paul’s News – 6th October 2024

In this issue: Vale Michael Clifford An Episco-pup The Vicar’s Voice Cancer Care update See Ya Seaside… For Now! We bid farewell to Sunday Sunset Stare at the Sea… for the time being. Paul and Ailsa Gill, Erica Byrne, Nick and Jen Crisp and Fr Josh Nash joined Fr...

St Francis’ Day

Blessing of the Animals The Chapel @ Lota House Sunday 6th October 2024 A special event to give thanks for and bless all our animal friends. Furry, feathered, scaly and wriggly. No animal too large or small, too boisterous or too shy to bless. You can bring a photo or...

St Paul’s News – 29th September 2024

In this issue: Addressing Elder Abuse Tips to protect yourself The Vicar’s Voice Lots of things coming up! Engaged And Active At Any Age Longtime MU member, St Paul’s parishioner and EM Tooth resident Ann Stannard proves that you can be an advocate and activist at any...


St Paul’s News – 22nd September 2024

In this issue: Stare at the Sea… again Familiar Faces say hello E M Tooth Service of Remembrance The Vicar’s Voice - Pete’s Pantry Contemplating Creation Braving a brisk wind and dancing kites in the hands of small children, our contemplative crew savoured the holy...

St Paul’s News – 15th September 2024

In this issue: Celebrating Anglicare Sunday Bush Church Aid and us Gladly Gazing at the Garden The Vicar’s Voice and more... Celebrating Anglicare Sunday In celebrating Anglicare Sunday last Sunday, we welcomed E M Tooth’s Coordinator of Spiritual and Pastoral Care...

St Paul’s News – 8th September 2024

Earth Friends Gather Living here at the edge of the sea has really inspired me to take to the Season of Creation with gusto. You can read about our Sunday Stare at the Sea overleaf… I had a great morning reconnecting and meeting some neighbours with the Bethania...

St Paul’s News – 1st September 2024

Pondering Life and the Universe It's back in the saddle after the giddy excitement of the Clergy Conference last week. The world doesn’t stop and its been busy picking up the threads of life here at St Paul’s. Its been a great week for cuppas with folk and I’ve...

St Paul’s News – 25th August 2024

Where’s Fr Andrew… he’s a bit quiet this week. Well, I’ve been at the Gold Coast at the Anglican province of Queensland Clergy Conference. It's been some time since I’ve been in the right headspace to attend a big church event but I’m pleased to report that this was a...

St Paul’s News – 18th August 2024

Listening and Learning Locally On Monday I had the pleasure of catching up with Wendy Greche from LinC – Love in the name of Christ. Helen Collins is our long serving committee representative supporting LinC’s work in serving others through simple acts of Christian...

St Paul’s News – 11th August 2024

Meeting many and many meetings Lots of people things again this week from plotting and planning at Tatters and Chatters, enjoying being a passenger and meeting the vicar of Boonah on the road trip and of course doing the things at Parish Council. It was great to meet...

St Paul’s News – 4th August 2024

Out and About Again The spate of meetings with Big Wigs continued this week. Although Brother Donald would probably rather be known as a humble Franciscan Brother from the Society of St Francis, he is for his sins also our Archdeacon. While Venerable, Archdeacons in...