Pondering Life and the Universe

It’s back in the saddle after the giddy excitement of the Clergy Conference last week. The world doesn’t stop and its been busy picking up the threads of life here at St Paul’s. Its been a great week for cuppas with folk and I’ve enjoyed visiting homes and getting a glimpse of lives. I even got the chance to shout my Priest’s Warden a coffee and catch up.

A sadder part of the week but part of the privilege of ministry was to sit alongside Eric Lugg from E M Tooth as he and the family adjust to life without Barbara. Eric and Barbara have been regulars at our services in the chapel and it was great to see our Community Coordinator Heidi in action as St Paul’s folk wrapped them all in love. You can read Heidi’s tribute to Barbara inside this issue.

I swapped my day off this week as my sister Ellen and niece Pippa were up from Sydney staying at Burleigh Heads. It was a great chance for assisted encounters with nature as we visited the Currumbin Rock Pools nearby. With their help I was able to get into the refreshing but pleasant waters, stare at the overhanging trees and wonder at the power of water that has shaped the rock to form falls and still pools. I imagine folk have been cooling off there for millennia.

An appropriate beginning for the Season of Creation starting this Sunday. Our worship will have a strong creation focus and I invite you to find ways to notice and appreciate the beautiful home God has created for us. You might like to join me in a few Season of Creation events as I stare at the sea and gaze at the gardens. I’m heading up to Mt Coo-tha Botanical Gardens on Wednesday for the Qld Churches Together Creation service and have some space in the car if you’d like to join me. Details inside too.

Blessings on your head and hearts


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Manly Parish Newletter 1st September 2024